Broken loves and the art of shopping
Haris Giannoura
Materialism is a rather tricky concept. At times we seem lost in it, puzzled and confused. But the most important privilege one has while drenched from this consumeristic anarchy, is that we engage in an open conversation about the same nature of the object, and its relationship with us, as well as its attractive power over our culture. This kind of undisclosed research regarding the interaction between man and object, is one of the main ideas that struck my head while looking at Baptiste Debombourg’s work. An intriguing French artist, with a wonderful expressive universe and creative aura. The stories he whispers with his industrial glass installations are filled with different realities, parallel worlds stuck somewhere between our own and the endless nothing we are so afraid of facing. A 21st century homage to Duchamp’s ironic ready mades, a subtle wink to the decadent poetry of the French flaneurs and a diverse aesthetic pandemonium worth exploring. At the end one thing is certain, Debombourg’s work reflects on human behavior and our countless mistakes, fears and loves while at the same time exploring the limits of his own artistic medium and therefore questioning what contemporary art is all about.
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Haris Giannoura is a curator and chief editor of notes magazine